There is only one institution of which Jesus declared, “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). The church is Christ’s “Plan A” for proclaiming His gospel of salvation and for making disciples of all nations. There is no “Plan B” in the Lord’s work of redemption.
How Can We Serve Your Church?
Dr. R.C. Sproul founded Ligonier Ministries to equip the local church for discipleship and to help congregations reach the nations with the truth of God’s Word. We want to support the unique discipleship needs of your church. By partnering with Ligonier through a monthly gift, you can extend your ministry reach, both within your local church and around the world.
The Fruit of This Partnership
For as little as $1 (USD) per church attendee each month, your congregation can gain greater access to discipleship resources while providing trustworthy teaching materials to the missionaries you support and to other churches around the world.
We Want to Hear from You
How can Ligonier serve your church specifically? To share your unique discipleship needs with us and to hear more about the program, please contact Gerrit, our church partnership representative. You can reach him at 905-565-5915 or email